About Us

We care about our vendors

If you are curious about our service, you usually fall into one of the following categories: vendor or consumer. At Mezzno, we seek to unite the two in one platform. Vendors will be able to expand their selling strategies and increase revenue in return for a commission. If at any time the vendor or consumer needs assistance, I (Ulyana Kubini) will be there to assist you. Simply put, we will bring your target market right to you.


Our consumers are foodies. I am certain that you care about where every bite originates and the story behind every delicious crumb. You’d be happy to here that we work with people you artisans, those who have perfected their craft. They sell unique items, regional favorites, and ethnic products. Knowing this, I hope both our vendors and customers feel as though they understand the platform a bit better. If any questions remain, do not hesitate to contact me via email by visiting the “Contact” page.

We are looking to cater to the masses!

250 +
Curated Products We Are Looking to Find
Minimum Cities for Representation
Product Categories
With so many different delicacies to try, foodies are constantly on the search for the best treats to eat. We work tirelessly to make sure our vendors and customers are satisfied.
Ulyana Kubini
hook, check mark, check

The best food from across the USA

View our extensive product line to find out more information.

We Deal With Various Quality Organic Products!